南華早報(SCMP)Young Post:中小學生必做英文閱讀練習 [ 限時免費下載!]

南華早報(SCMP)Young Post:中小學生必做英文閱讀練習 [ 限時免費下載!]

初小學生必做英文閱讀練習 (II)

通過小學英文生字練習,及早培養閱讀的習慣及語感,在做卷時自然更得心應手。ECzone特意為小一、小二、小三同學們準備了英文生字練習及答案 (限時免費下載!),由香港的權威英文報紙 - 南華早報 (SCMP)提供。不論在文章選題,或是題型上都更貼近學校考試。


[Level 1:小一或以上適用]




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Young Post is a unit of South China Morning Post. Young Post is designed to inform, entertain and empower teens all over the world by providing the resources needed to communicate effectively, and to make a positive impact on the world.


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